PARTICLES 2023に参加しました
粒子法に関する国際会議 PARTICLES 2023がイタリア・ミラノにて開催されました.
Physical Process-Based Entrainment Behaviour Modelling of Diluted Debris Flow Using SPH Incorporated with HBP-DP Approach
〇Ma Yangfan(1),Mitsuteru Asai(1),Zheng Han(2),Guangqi Chen(3)
(1.Kyushu University, 2.Central South University, 3.Hebel University of Technology)
ISPH with a Geometric Multigrid Preconditioning Solver using Background Cells in GPU environment
〇Haruki Osaki(1),Daniel Morikawa(2),Mitsuteru Asai(1)
(1.Kyushu University, 2.JAMSTEC)
Improvement of ISPH-DEM Coupling Simulator Using SPH(2)
〇Yusuke Saeki(1) ,Kumpei Tsuji(2),MItsuteru Asai(1)
(1.Kyushu University,2.Tohoku University)
Bottom Boundary-Fitted Free Surface Flow Smulation with Coordinate Transformation Using SPH(2)
〇Shujiro Fujioka(1) ,Kumpei Tsuji(2),Mitsuteru Asai(1)
(1.Kyushu University,2.Tohoku University)
Particle-based Semi-resolved Coupling Model for the Simulation of Internal Erosion in soil structures
〇Kumpei Tsuji(1) ,Mitsuteru Asai(2),Kiyonobu Kasama(2)
(1.Tohoku University,2.Kyushu University)
Finite strain elastplastic and solid-solid contact problems with the Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics
〇Daniel Morikawa(1) ,Mitsuteru Asai(2)
(1.JAMSTEC,2.Kyushu University)